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I am a Software Engineer at Manulife. Before this, I was a Computer Science grad student at University of Waterloo. Earlier I was a Software Engineer at Johnson Controls. Even earlier, I was an under graduate at VIT, Vellore, where I majored in Computer Science and Engineering. Interests: Algorithms and Machine Learning. I have done several independent projects in the area of web-development, big-data and machine learning (explore)


Publication in Applied Soft Computing (Worldwide Rank 9 in AI). See full Google Scholar profile here.

Industry Experience

I work with Advanced Analytics team at Manulife. A brief summary of my work:

As a part of big-data team (Connected Services) in Johnson Controls, I developed several map-reduce jobs (for problems like computing device run hours, finding hourly energy consumption) to process terabytes of data emitted from chillers (giant machines which regulate the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning in buildings). Also, I collaborated with the team at Milwaukee to create a subset of the back-end of company's flagship product called Metasys. In 2016, I won the runner's up award at Johnson Control's technical fest for prototyping an idea which aimed at predicting faults in chiller operation, this consequently led to filing a US patent application (Gallery)


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